Formula 4 Hope 2024

Formula 4 Hope 2024

Dear St. Hilda’s family,

This year we as a church have decided to once again support the important work of the Atwell Centre by participating in the Formula 4 Hope Baby Bottle fund raiser.

About Atwell Centre

“Atwell Centre is a Christian Community Health Agency which offers holistic healthcare and programs, partnering with local public health units and community organizations. Our medical clinic offers pregnancy assessment through Point of Care Ultrasounds (P.O.CU.S.) pregnancy options counselling, and STI testing and treatment. Atwell also offers post-abortion support and stabilization counselling. We are committed to excellent patient care delivered by regulated and licensed professionals in a safe and supported environment. Additionally, Atwell’s S.H.A.R.E. Program develops critical thinking skills in our youth, parents and community around healthy relationships and sexuality.”

For more information on Atwell Centre please visit:

Formula 4 Hope

Formula 4 Hope is an annual fundraising campaign that helps support Atwell Centre’s work with women & men in downtown Hamilton and Halton. The campaign runs between Mother’s Day (Sunday May 12) and Father’s Day (Sunday June 16).

This year’s goal is to raise $65,000 for women who depend on Atwell for their services, in both Hamilton and Halton.

St. Hilda’s Participation

Personal participation is entirely optional. Please note that any donations to Formula 4 Hope Atwell should be above & beyond your regular St. Hilda’s giving.

There are two ways that you can donate: 1) by filling a provided baby bottle with coins, cash or cheques or donate online to a ‘virtual baby bottle’. For those wanting to use a physical baby bottle, they will be distributed after the Sunday May 12 St. Hilda’s service.

If you wish to participate in the ‘Virtual (online) Edition’, a “2024 – St. Hilda’s Oakville” team page has been launched:

Once on St. Hilda’s Formula 4 Hope fundraising page, click on the “Give Now” button to donate.

Notes: You do not need to have an account on JustGiving to donate; you may donate as a guest. Your donation amount can be hidden from public view if selected. Based on previous year’s Formula 4 Hope giving of $970, we have been challenged to raise $1000. Charitable tax receipts will be issued by Atwell Centre.

Thank you for prayerful consideration.